Thank you for completing this short questionnaire, which will enable me to customise the content for my upcoming presentation at your event. How would you rate your business performance ? Low performing Below Target On target Outperform How would you rate your leadership performance? Nowhere near my expectations Below my expectations At my expectations Better than my expectations Do you feel fatigued on a weekly basis? Yes No How many times a week do you get frustrated with your team? Zero One-three Three-five More than five Do you meet with your team one on one at least monthly for at least an hour? Yes No Do your team members disagree with you openly or debate your decisions? Yes No If you had a magic wand what would you change about your team? How aligned are your team to your values? No one is aligned Some are aligned Most are aligned Everyone is aligned If there was major conflict or wrongdoing in your business, do you trust your team to talk to you about it? Yes No Do you believe your value as a leader is having all the answers? Yes No When someone comes to you for help do you always solve the problem? Agree Somewhat agree Disagree How confident do you feel about the future of your business? Not confident Somewhat confident Confident Extremely Confident Do you believe it's hard to maintain performance with the current level of change and uncertainty? Yes No Could you lead better if you had more certainty? Yes No I feel like my business performance would be better if I had more autonomy in decision making True False As a leader it's more important to be liked than to create discomfort True False When I have a high performer in my team I am willing accept lower standards of behavour in other areas True False It's important to retain nice people on my team, even if they are not as competent as others True False Thank you for submitting.